Tucson Artisan Builders  |  Timeless Character - Regenerative Sustainability
Tucson Artisan Builders interior sample.  

Additional Resources

Hundreds of people and products help to create a single home. Here are links to a few of those and some others that we think are interesting. Check back for updates:

Design, TNDs, and New Urbanism

Traditional Neighborhood Developments (TNDs) incorporate the best aspects of time-honored communities. Their common thread is diversity within walking distance: an assortment of building and street designs that encourage personal interaction; a range of uses from living, culture, and recreation to services, shopping, and work; a mixture of inviting public and private spaces; and a variety of viable transportation options incorporating walking, bicycling, and public transportation.

Stefanos Polyzoides, the urban designer of the Mercado District, is one of the founders of Moule & Polyzoides and of New Urbanism.

New Urbanism is the movement to make new neighborhoods more liveable.

Green Building & Sustainable Living

All Tucson Artisan Builders’ homes are built to either Energy Star or TEP Comfort Guarantee standards.

Honda now offers the Civic GX. Running on compressed natural gas the GX is the “cleanest internal-combustion vehicle on earth.”

You can fill up your GX in your garage if you have a Phill fueling unit.

If you can use a Segway (or a bus, bike, or your feet) maybe you’ll use your car less.


Tucson Artisan Builders’ Mercado/Metropolitan homes feature Danze Parma plumbing fixtures.

For additional information, please contact us.


Tucson Artisan Builders  |  P.O. Box 64743  |  Tucson, AZ 85728  |  520.437.3655